NBC is developing Pub Quiz, a sitcom that is not a game show

FX’s The League has proven that a show about people doing a fun thing can be just as fun as doing that fun thing yourself, so now NBC has realized that it could easily rip off that basic premise and turn it into a totally original idea. According to TV Guide, the network is developing Pub Quiz, a show that is totally different from The League because it’s about a group of friends who do pub trivia instead of fantasy football. The script is being written by American Dreams’ Jonathan Prince, with Chris Moynihan—the creator of ABC’s short-lived Man Up—executive producing.

We should point out that Pub Quiz is just a working title, which is good, because that makes it sound more like a game show than a sitcom. Adding to this confusion is the fact that TV Guide compares it to Friends (since it’s about friends), Cheers (since it’s about bars), and Hollywood Game Night (since it’s a comedy-based game show). Wait, no. It’s a sitcom, not a game show. Whatever it is, we assume every episode will involve the group of friends getting all excited to kick ass in pub trivia, and then halfway through the night they’ll realize that none of them knows anything about sports or geography or whatever, and then they’ll go home as drunk losers. That’s how most pub quiz nights go, right?

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