NBC pulls its Trump-themed Law & Order: SVU episode

It seems “Unstoppable”—that upcoming Donald Trump-themed episode of Law & Order: SVU—is pretty stoppable after all. The network has announced that it’s moving the episode, which was scheduled for October 26, to after the presidential election, presumably so as not to taint the (non-Nightly News) airwaves with stories about egotistical billionaires with political ambitions getting repeatedly accused of sexual assault.

NBC declined to comment on the decision, leading several outlets to point out the numerous connections between the network and this scandalous sub-section of the overall scandal that is the Trump campaign. The most recent allegations came to light after footage from NBC’s Access Hollywood leaked, in which Trump talked about his need to kiss beautiful women without their consent, and the way being “a star” allowed him to do so, with technically-current-but-not-for-long Today co-host Billy Bush. That stardom, in turn, was largely a function of NBC’s very profitable The Apprentice, where Trump allegedly treated female contestants with unmasked sexism. One contestant from the show, Summer Zervos, came forward yesterday to add her name to the women accusing Trump of groping and kissing them without their consent.

The Law & Order: SVU episode will star Veep’s Gary Cole as a Trump-esque figure whose campaign is damaged by accusations of sexual assault. It was reportedly written several months ago, before this latest series of accusations came to light.

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