NBC pulls Jimmy Fallon's Mad Men spoof after Emmy competitor complains

The palpable resentment the other networks must harbor regarding the attention paid to AMC’s Mad Men even extends to parodies: NBC has been forced to pull a video featuring Emmy host Jimmy Fallon spoofing Don Draper (opposite a guest appearance from Christina Hendricks), after an unnamed network with a competing show in the Best Drama slot complained. The reasoning? Because the voting window is still open, the promo for the telecast was seen as “basically ads for Mad Men” that could potentially influence voters, whose opinions are so fickle, apparently, that they’re easily swayed by the mere sight of Jimmy Fallon smoking. NBC has agreed that the ad was “run prematurely” and will hold off until after voting ends on Aug. 17 to air it again. In the meantime, we get to speculate about which network is the squeaky, insecure wheel: Mad Men’s competition includes fellow AMC show Breaking Bad, HBO’s True Blood, Showtime’s Dexter, ABC’s Lost, and CBS’ The Good Wife. J’accuse away.

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