Neil Gaiman to return to Doctor Who, Cybermen and Warwick Davis in tow

In an alignment of nerdish interests rivaled only by Joss Whedon directing The Avengers, the sixth season of the revived Doctor Who saw Sandman and American Gods writer Neil Gaiman penning a script called “The Doctor’s Wife.” A professed fan of Doctor Who—having been raised, after all, in England, where not being a fan of Doctor Who means being subjected to whispered insults behind the vicarage—Gaiman delivered a heartfelt episode exploring the relationship between The Doctor and his TARDIS. That it was a pretty moving hour of television makes perfect sense to those who watch the show, as will the excitement over the return of the not-as-cool-as-the-Daleks-but-still-pretty-awesome Cybermen. Seen only once before in the Matt Smith era, they’ll return in a second episode written by Gaiman to air next spring, according to Deadline. Deadline also reports the episode will co-star Warwick Davis, because, why not? With Gaiman and the Cybermen on board it just makes sense for the star of Willow and Return Of The Ewok to be a part of the action.

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