Neil Patrick Harris to lend Emmys the awesomeness it doesn't deserve

Neil Patrick Harris to lend Emmys the awesomeness it doesn't deserve

If you’re like us, you watched the Tonys (or the highlights anyway) thinking, “Neil Patrick Harris should host every awards show every year for as long he’s taking in oxygen.” It would appear that the Emmys have taken notice, too: According to an article in today’s Variety, Harris is cutting a deal with CBS (home of his excellent sitcom How I Met Your Mother) to host the broadcast when it airs September 20th. So while you roll your eyes at how woefully out of touch Emmy voters reliably are—that is, unless you think Boston Legal is the best show on television—you will at least enjoy a consummate entertainer whisking the proceedings along. Harris’ stint on this year’s Tony Awards show had it all: A moving personal tribute to the theater, punchy jokes both pre-cooked and spontaneous, and a semi-improvised closing number (set to “Tonight Tonight” from West Side Story) that vastly outclassed the bloated opening medley. The only downside is that the Emmys will now be essential viewing. Damn you, NPH!

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