Netflix is making its first Brazilian original series

Soon, you won’t be able to complain about how Netflix doesn’t produce any drama series filmed on location in Brazil, even though that seems like a weirdly specific complaint about the streaming service. Nonetheless, Variety reports the company is giving a series order to 3%, a futuristic drama that also happens to be the channel’s first original production shot in Brazil.

Despite the title, the series is not going to be about Europeans leaving tips for restaurant waitstaff while on vacation in America and then being hunted and killed. No, it’s being described as a thriller, set in “a world sharply divided between progress and devastation, where people are given the chance to make it to the “better side” but only 3% of the candidates succeed.” Which makes it sound a bit like Occupy Wall Street: The Series, only slightly more generous, because that’s a whole two percent more than the number that is actually siphoning off the lion’s share of income. And sure, it may be laughably farcical to imply that as many as three percent of us can actually join the upper classes, but this is fiction, after all.

The series come from Boutique Filmes and César Charlone, a long-time cinematographer and collaborator with director Fernando Meirelles (City Of God, The Constant Gardener), although it’s unclear how large a role he’ll play in the series. 3% is scheduled to begin production and debut next year.

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