Netflix now has the option of automatically downloading their suggestions on your phone

Netflix now has the option of automatically downloading their suggestions on your phone
Photo: Alastair Pike

Netflix had the option of downloading episodes of TV shows on your phone for a while but now it’s introducing something new.

This week, Netflix launched Downloads For You, a feature that lets you automatically downloads recommendations based on your interests. So you could either end up with a bunch of junk you don’t like, or you could potentially find your new favorite TV show. It’s an obvious ploy to get people to watch Netflix’s countless releases, but at least it beats not having any form of entertainment when the internet’s out or when you’re (eventually) stuck on a flight with mediocre viewing options.

You can modify your limit of gigabytes so Netflix won’t take over the space on your phone, if that’s something you’re concerned about. Green text box people have the advantage of the feature already being available on Android globally. But don’t worry, iPhone users – it’ll be tested on iOS soon.

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