Netflix’s Iron Fist series hires former Dexter showrunner Scott Buck

With all of the hype that surrounded Daredevil and Jessica Jones—not to mention how much people are looking forward to Luke Cage on the strength of star Mike Colter’s appearance in the latter show—it’s easy to forget that Marvel and Netflix still have a fourth superhero TV series in the works. That series is Iron Fist, and it sounds like we’re going to start hearing more about it soon, as Variety is reporting that Dexter veteran Scott Buck has been hired to be its showrunner. Buck was the showrunner on Dexter for four seasons, and Marvel’s Jeph Loeb says his pitch for the Iron Fist show “quite simply knocked us off our feet.”

We don’t know any specifics about this take on Iron Fist, but the version from the comics is a guy named Danny Rand who learns magical karate from some magical karate people, and he eventually becomes good enough at magical karate that he becomes the latest in a long line of warriors who were each known as the Iron First (or “guy who is best at magical karate”). Later, he heads to New York and becomes buds with none other than Luke Cage, and together they form a super team called Heroes For Hire. Presumably, Buck’s Iron Fist will put some clever spin on this, but we won’t know what it is until Iron Fist premieres on Netflix at some point in the next few years.

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