Netflix’s Ultra HD content is going to cost you more

Netflix users who absolutely, positively must see each and every crag and crevice on Kevin Spacey’s face will soon have to pay a little more for the privilege. Netflix announced that it’s raising subscription prices for users who stream its content to Ultra HD TVs, which have four times the resolution of regular high-definition TVs—making them the only acceptable devices on which to watch The Smurfs 2. Subscribers with Ultra HD TVs will have to pay $11.99 to receive the super high-definition content, three bucks over what new subscribers pay for plain ol’ ordinary HD. The new 4K plan also allows user to stream content to four different devices at once, allowing every member of the family to enjoy new episodes of Orange Is The New Black in their own ways.

In addition to House Of Cards and The Smurfs 2, Netflix also offers ultra-high-definition streaming for stuff like Breaking Bad, The Blacklist, and Ghostbusters, with plans to expand in the future. And the few people who have already been watching 4K Netflix content since before August 12 of this year don’t have to worry about any of this for a while. They’ll be grandfathered into the older $7.99 per month plan for another two years, at which point they’ll have to decide just how up close and personal with Spacey’s face they want to get.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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