Netflix scores an invite to Tom Hardy’s War Party

Tom Hardy will get to tell more of his maritime saga in season two of Taboo, but he’s still casting about for other high seas adventures. Hardy’s landed a new project that’s more contemporary in its setting, but should still allow him to bellow at the people around him. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Hardy’s bringing his War Party to Netflix. The new drama is about—you guessed it—war. Specifically, War Party will follow the lives of real-life Navy SEALS, one of whom will presumably be played by Hardy (we can’t picture him being one of the government officials helping to plan an attack, but we could be wrong).

Ridley Scott’s Scott Free Films, which already produces Taboo, has also been tapped to produce Hardy’s latest project. The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Fords Andrew Dominik will direct the film, which he’s co-writing with Harrison Query. A start date hasn’t been announced for production, so in the meantime, you can look forward to seeing Hardy risking his life in Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk.

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