New A.V. Club T-shirts in the hizzouse
That's right, the long-rumored/threatened new A.V. Club T-shirts have arrived. You already have your simple logo shirt, logo tote bag, and logo baseball hat. It's time to get a little more creative, people.
First off, for those of you who satisfy some sort of pathetic urge to be the best at something in your life (a.k.a. the smartest, funniest people on the web!), it's the "Firsties!" shirt.
Next up, for those who like to spend their energy railing against the futility of the "Firsties!" phenomenon, express your displeasure with this gorgeous item.
Finally, this mysterious item that will let your local hipster d-bag know that either A) You are also a hipster d-bag or that B) You are condemning him/her publicly for being a hipster d-bag. All the while offering free advertising to your favorite website. It's win-win!