New documentary to try and solve the living puzzle that is Russell Brand

The universe is full of mysteries that mankind has always dreamed of solving. What’s the meaning of life? Are aliens and/or ghosts real? What’s the deal with Russell Brand? One of these mysteries is clearly more tantalizing than the others, and a new film will finally try and get to the bottom of it. According to Variety, director Ondi Timoner is making a documentary about comedian Russell Brand’s “personal and professional journey” over the last several years, and Brand has given her “complete access” in order to make sure his story is told. Specific details about the documentary are scarce at this point, but we imagine it will cover all of the highlights from Brand’s life so far, including his short marriage to Katy Perry, his short-lived FX show, the time he was in Get Him To The Greek, the time he was in the remake of Arthur, and whatever else he has been doing for the last two or three years.

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