New Ghostbusters visit children’s hospital, fanboys take issue with good deed

The cast of Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters reboot made the rounds at Boston’s Tufts Medical Center Saturday; taking a break from their busy shooting schedule, Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon posed for pictures and playfully searched for focused, non-terminal, repeating phantasms under patients’ beds.

The new supernatural comedy is currently filming in Boston, which is standing in for the original’s New York City; oddly enough, it’s the only thing that hasn’t offended people about the newest entry in the Ghostbusters franchise. According to E! News Daily, some of the kids at Tuft’s Floating Hospital for Children put a sign in the windows that spelled out “Who ya gonna call?,” grabbing the attention of the cast and crew. There are no reports of any of the children mocking the new uniform designs or proton packs, because apparently these kids know how to behave like adults. (If any patients old enough to remember the original 1984 film thought to themselves, “Couldn’t Ernie Hudson have shown up at least?,” they kept it to themselves.) “They were a true delight to have today,” Brook Hynes, VP of Public Affairs and Communications for Tufts Medical Center, said of the visit.

Of course, the Ghostbusters’ good deed brought out the trolls on Facebook comment boards, which apparently is where they contain and store the beasts:

According to Buzzfeed, some of the comments were so bad that Tufts Medical Center had to address the controversy on its Facebook page:

And the mother of one of the patients responded to the bitter fanboys with too much time on their hands:

Like the cliche says, no good deed goes unpunished.

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