New Pictures Of Beyonce's Body

According to People magazine, Beyonce has a new body. Here is how they demonstrate that fact:

Everyone knows that losing weight can improve your confidence. But what few people realize is that losing weight can also improve the way that

People magazine sees you. Before, they saw you as kind of blurry, and close up. Often times, they would enlarge pictures of you, so you appeared bigger. But now that you've lost weight, they only run pictures of you where you're turned to one side, whittling your waist, just like all those crunches you've possibly maybe been doing.

What I'm saying is, putting three giant pictures of Beyonce next to two smaller pictures of Beyonce means she's lost about 20 lbs (though she's gained about 30 from all the sequins on those leg stickers).

And, now for no reason, a link to the House of Dereon, a website that makes shopping for a $50 mink teddy bear feel like a cross between the movie Mahogany and some R.Kelly song.

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