New smart-mouthed Amazon Echo will tell you how shitty you’re dressed

New smart-mouthed Amazon Echo will tell you how shitty you’re dressed

Ever since Cher Horowitz declared mirrors unreliable, people everywhere—not just budding fashionistas—have scrambled to find the best way to properly gauge their appearances. (After all, your roommate and bathroom mirror can really only tell you so much.) And since Amazon’s already providing them with food, drones, and fun, the online retail giant has unveiled a new product: self-esteem, or rather, a lack thereof. Introducing the new Echo Look, a voice-controlled camera that helps you determine your best look. It can take photos and videos, which you can then share with your other anxiety-ridden friends who are struggling to get ready in the morning.

Don’t worry about all the crap piled up in the corners of your room, as the Echo Look camera will blur everything but your clear jeans. We’re sure making videos of your outfits every morning will not in any way impede your ability to make it out the door on time to catch your train, especially not when you can also get a second opinion from “fashion specialists” via the Style Check app. Amazon boasts that the Echo Look is based in the cloud, like Alexa, so it’s “always learning,” which is a not-at-all terrifying statement about a camera that lives in your bedroom. But you’ll also apparently get better at outfitting yourself thanks to Style Check, which will take the combined knowledge of some bored people watching you get dressed via the internet to let you know what flatters you.

[via Gizmodo, which, like The A.V. Club, is owned by Univision Communications.]

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