New Spider-Man Tom Holland teaches Chris Hemsworth how to superhero

As Thor in the Avengers movies, Chris Hemsworth spends a lot of time showing off his beefy muscles and swinging his magic hammer, but—due to Thor’s godly powers—almost everything he does beyond that is heavily aided by digital effects. Spider-Man: Homecoming star Tom Holland, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be getting ready for a superhero movie so much as he seems to be getting ready to become a superhero in real life. We’ve already seen him showing off his dance moves (an important skill for fighting crime) alongside co-star Zendaya, and now he has specifically called out his In The Heart Of The Sea co-star for his lack of practical superhero-ing skills.

But first, let’s back up a bit. A few weeks ago, Hemsworth posted the following video on Instagram of some training he was doing with stuntman Bobby Holland Hanton:

Very LOL-worthy stuff. Now, here’s Tom Holland putting his own spin on the “jump off a trampoline and do cool shit” trick:

Not quite as funny, but that’s probably because he actually did the move. Also, he did a little spin at the end without falling over, just to further stick it to old man Thor. Holland and Hemsworth’s character haven’t gotten a chance to meet in the Marvel Cinematic Universe yet—though we did recently find out why that is—but we imagine a certain wall-crawler might be getting a little smack from a certain magic hammer when they do.

[via io9]

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