New Terry Jones film may reunite Monty Python (sort of)

In the most British-y news we’ve read in a while, Deadline reports that Monty Python alum Terry Jones will direct Daily Show correspondent John Oliver in Absolutely Anything, a story Jones co-wrote with BBC-bred scribe Gavin Scott about “aliens, a goofy Brit, a talking dog, and buckets of silliness”—and which, more importantly, may foster a Monty Python reunion. While Oliver has been tapped to play said “goofy Brit,” Jones is reportedly pursuing John Cleese, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, and Terry Gilliam to voice said aliens—which would make it the first film the surviving Pythons have done together since 1983’s The Meaning Of Life, albeit one in which they’ll only be heard, not seen. But still! Jones is reportedly also pursuing Robin Williams to play the talking dog, which sounds about right.

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