New Warcraft TV spot highlights WoW’s gaming roots

Universal and Legendary just released a third preview for their upcoming cinematic adaptation of the World Of Warcraft. While the initial trailer and subsequent TV spot did an admirable job of showing that the film is holding tight to the visual aesthetics of its roleplaying-game source material, this new spot highlights what may be its immersive qualities. Among other new footage included in this minute-long ad is a human-orc ground fight that’s about thirty seconds in. The way that sequence is shot— or, uh, rendered—makes it look as though director Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code) has gone to some effort to emulate the experience of playing the game (minus the clattering empty cans of Red Bull). And that could help Warcraft rise above the many other CGI-laden fantasy films that have bombarded theaters lately. Jones is two-for-two as a director presently, so there’s good reason to believe that when he signed on to a big budget summer tentpole like this, he did so with a strong vision.

Warcraft will storm theaters nationwide on June 10.

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