New X-Files premiere receives ecstatic reception at TV trade show

Everyone seems to be pretty excited about the upcoming X-Files miniseries scheduled to air on Fox in January, and not just because every 10-second snippet gives us goosebumps. But in case you were worried that, much like back in middle school when jocks would see your “I Want To Believe” T-shirt and immediately wedgie you, you were in the distinct minority about this news, rest easy: Everyone is fucking pumped. According to The Hollywood Reporter, even a bunch of jaded Hollywood scribes turned into gibbering fanboys and fangirls when they were shown an advance screening of the first episode.

The initial installment of the six-episode series was shown at the MIPCOM TV trade fair in Cannes, where the packed house apparently broke into spontaneous applause multiple times, including for the opening credits, the first appearances of Mulder and Scully, and—most importantly, as an indicator of presumed quality—the ending. (The show has also kept the same opening credits, rather than update them to something a little less retro.) The story, involving alien abductions and a global conspiracy, sounds quintessentially X-Files, so hopefully the rapturous reception means we can expect greatness. Here’s the thing, though: Everyone broke into repeated applause when The Phantom Menace first premiered, too. So maybe let’s hold off on expectations a while longer?

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