New York teenagers have no idea who The Beatles are

New York teenagers have no idea who The Beatles are

Back in Feburary, the “I Hate Young People” blog took to the Manhattan Streets and asked the young’uns who the Fab Four were. (The video is just now making the viral rounds.) Not only did said young’uns scoff at the thought of having to care about such has-beens,  they also couldn’t name even one Beatles song. Didn't any of them at least see Across The Universe? Readers, we know you’re more culturally savvy than these poor New York City souls; those of you on the East Coast, please educate the ignorant around you.

IHYP is a strange place for this video to originate, though—whether you like the Beatles has little to do with your birth year, and more to do with your musical sensibilities. These particular young people are susceptible to derision not just from old people, but also from other young people with better taste. We here at The A.V. Club haven’t quite signed up for our AARP memberships yet, but this is an IHYP video we can get behind.

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