New York Times mistakenly refers to Ivanka as Trump’s wife

In a move that practically ensures a fresh onslaught of angry, inarticulate tweets from POTUS, The New York Times mistakenly referred to Ivanka Trump as her father’s wife in a recent article that tracks the number of visits the president has made to his privately-owned properties on the country’s dime and time. Trump’s wife, believe it or not, is actually Melania, an immigrant who lives in New York with their son Barron. The elder Trump daughter—he has, believe it or not, two—is often by her father’s side, and is bound to be photographed with him even more frequently now that she’s accepted the inane-sounding position of Special Assistant to the President. (Look, she’s no Sue.)

But the paper of record says this was just an editing error that was missed when the article was first published; the mistake has been fixed, and the Trump women (except for Tiffany) have been properly identified in the Times’ correction. The eagle-eyed folks of Twitter have already pointed out the correction.

Trump has, believe it or not, not posted any kind of response to this oversight yet, but he did share a video about all the jobs he’s supposedly creating as president. Maybe this is his version of “when they go low, we go high.” The actual content of the article will hopefully not be overlooked thanks to this dumb mistake, because it indicates Trump has spent roughly one-third of his time in office visiting his properties like Mar-a-Lago, where he’s entertained dignitaries and not not played golf.

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