New Zealand politician interrupted during live interview by son waving around penis-shaped carrot

MP Carmel Sepuloni's Zoom call was briefly thrown into chaos by a phallic vegetable

New Zealand politician interrupted during live interview by son waving around penis-shaped carrot
Who knows what hilarious shapes lie beneath the soil? Photo: Kiran Ridley

It’s been more than a year since we all had to start learning to approximate some level of professionalism while working from home. During this time, everyone’s gone through a bit of a learning curve figuring out how to multi-task during calls, properly mute their voices when saying things they don’t want shared, and just generally knowing how to talk to people through a camera without it being weird.

This educational process is not yet complete. For evidence of this, consider the New Zealand politician who was interrupted during an interview this week by her son running onto camera to show off the dick-shaped carrot he’d just discovered.

Carmel Sepuloni is a Labour MP and New Zealand’s Minister For Social Development. None of these titles really mattered, though, when her child burst into the room during a live interview to tell the world how pumped he is to have found a penis-carrot. In a video of the incident, we see Sepuloni discussing some point about social services before noticing that the door has opened behind her.

“Hang on a second, my son’s just in the room,” she says and turns. The kid’s blank face turns into a wide grin and he holds up the prized vegetable. The interviewer laughs and Sepuloni tries to take it out of his hand, though his urge to display the carrot is so strong that he can’t let it go. The feed cuts out to the sound of arguing and laughter.

Sepuloni tweeted out the clip with the title, “That moment when you’re doing a LIVE interview via Zoom & your son walks into the room shouting & holding a deformed carrot shaped like a male body part.” She wrote that she’s “laughing about it now but wasn’t at the time” and that she’ll “never buy the odd shaped carrot pack again.”

If only the kid had managed to more clearly show off the prized carrot before he was stopped, this video could be up in the live broadcast fuck-up hall of fame next to other classics like “Children Wandering Into BBC Interview” and “Cat Not Caring About Serious Political Discussions.”

As it is, it’s still a wonderfully chaotic ode to the enduring human need to share the sheer joy of unexpectedly discovering an object that is not a penis that does, in fact, kind of look like a penis.

[via Mashable]

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