Next year's Razzies may be televised, finally giving bad films a place on TV

Recognizing a serious drought of televised awards shows, the munificent folks behind the Razzies—that annual round-up of the year’s worst films that seemingly exists to guarantee that Eddie Murphy will always be nominated for something—are mulling over bringing the Golden Raspberry Awards to your living room. (Well, not to your actual living room, but to the television in your living room—assuming it’s in your living room—and not physically staging it in front of your actual television or anything, but rather, broadcasting the signal so that it can be received by your television. Which is most likely in your living room.) Awareness of the Razzies is at an all-time high thanks to last year’s infamous acceptance speech from Sandra Bullock, back when she was just an actress everyone generally liked and not the star of her own crazy, “a woman spurned” Lifetime movie as produced by Burning Angel. “The next logical step in their growth process is an airing of the awards show spoof that has changed the way the world views Hollywood’s biggest bombs,” Entertainment Weekly quotes the foundation as saying, suggesting that as early as next year we could see the awards ceremony/variety show on our TVs—which, despite the overwhelming sense of ennui toward watching yet another three hours of celebrities congratulating themselves, should actually be sort of fun. After all, giving stars the chance to come on and act like good sports about the shitty movies they make is really a win-win for everyone involved, so here’s hoping this actually happens. In the meantime, EW is asking for nominees for who should host, and is currently suggesting they begin the thawing of Brian Dunkleman. Somehow we suspect no matter whom they choose officially, Neil Patrick Harris is gonna get in on this. Just a hunch.

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