Nick Broomfield does Haditha!

According to this report in the Guardian, director Nick Broomfield plans to shoot a film about the alleged massacre of Iraqi civilians in Haditha on November 19, 2005, an incident the U.S. military reported as collateral damage from a bombing, but other evidence indicates that it was a slaughter intended the avenge the death of Lance Corporal Miguel Terrazas. If you're like us, you're salivating at the thought of professional sleazemeister Broomfield mucking around this Sunni stronghold with his unerringly polite British manner and faux-naivety. After all, this is the man who poked his nose into the tabloid crimes of Heidi Fleiss and Aileen Wuornos (twice!), as well as Courtney Love's presumed role in her husband's suicide (Kurt & Courtney) and the East Coast/West Coast murders (Biggie And Tupac).

Alas, it's all too good to be true. Broomfield intends to make a fiction film based on the events, shot in Jordan with a small crew and a non-professional cast. Last time he tried to do that, the result was the NC-17 rated debacle Dark Obsession (a.k.a. Diamond Skulls).

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