Nick Kroll is Brett Kavanaugh's drinking buddy as Stephen Colbert gets to the bottom of boofing

Nick Kroll is Brett Kavanaugh's drinking buddy as Stephen Colbert gets to the bottom of boofing

Nick Kroll, on The Late Show to promote the Friday release of Big Mouth’s second season on Netflix, lent his talent for portraying obnoxious douchebags (like The Douche) to Stephen Colbert’s interview with a former Yale drinking bro of embattled Supreme Court nominee and truth-challenged rage-monster Brett Kavanaugh. While Colbert claimed he was unable to locate accused boozy sex criminal Kavanaugh’s now-famous drinking buddies Mark Judge, P.J., Tobin, Timmy, and Squi, he did manage to dig up Kroll’s Squish (pronounced “Squeeeesh,” in the most annoying manner possible).

Open-mouthed head-nodding above his shoulder-tied sweater, Squish assured Colbert that Kavanaugh (a.k.a. “The Brett Man,” “B-Dogs,” “Kavanaughty-By-Nature”) was a solid dude, providing additional character witnesses such as their pals The Stench and El Pukeacabra. Standing behind his boy “169 percent,” Squish told Colbert that, as claimed in Kavanaugh’s unhinged, transparently false testimony about his hard-drinking, iron-pumping, keg-draining Yale days, “boofing” totally meant some sort of butt stuff (“They all make the same sound,” exclaimed “Squeeeesh”), and the Devil’s Triangle was 169 percent placing three beers in a triangle and then going into the other room with your bro for a threesome. And don’t even ask about UB40.

Like accused sex creep and conspiracy theory-spewing entitled wrath-bro Kavanaugh, Squish became defensive when asked about excessive drinking, snapping to Colbert, “We like beer . . . it makes the shaking stop.” Surprised to learn that the Kavanaughnster was headed “to court,” Squish finally broke down, though, dropping dark hints about not taking the rap for his Yalie drinking buddy for that thing that happened with that pledge that one time.

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