Let's check in on what Nick Lutsko's been up to this October

The King Of Halloween has been busy providing a spooky soundtrack to the month, even without Spirit Halloween's involvement

Let's check in on what Nick Lutsko's been up to this October
19th-century ghost Nick Lutsko, haunted by YouTube children’s music. Screenshot: Nick Lutsko

Though the world may have conspired against him time and time again, Nick Lutsko will always remain the true King Of Halloween in our hearts. This title was forever bestowed upon him when he, in the dark autumn of our first pandemic year, released his theme for Spirit Halloween and immediately brightened our hearts. And it remains the case, no matter what the citizens of Spirit Halloween Planet and the cast lists for boring old “officially licensed movies” may have to say about it.

There is no clearer evidence of this than what Lutsko’s been up to over the last few weeks: Offering us weekly songs about all kinds of horrors, from evil Elmos and a doctor telling you a skeleton lives within your body to the reality-bending phantasms haunting children’s music YouTube channels.

Familiar Song (Hellmo’s Song)

The first of these seasonal videos, “Familiar Song (Hellmo’s Song),” tells the familiar story of waking up in the middle of the night to discover a demonic Tickle Me Elmo gnashing its teeth and spitting blood in your shed. The second—and our favorite so far—is “Doctor (Don’t Scare Me),” which sees Lutsko receive the bad news from his doctor that he has a spooky skeleton in his body (and, less frighteningly, a terminal illness).

Doctor (Don’t Scare Me)

Earlier today, Lutsko shared his most recent work, “A Ghost Story.” In it, Lutsko plays a 19th-century ghost eagerly awaiting the chance to haunt the family about to move into his home before discovering that he will now, instead, be terrorized by the AI-lyric-spouting, bulbous-eyed CGI imitations of humanity who star in those Cocomelon kids’ music YouTube videos.

A Ghost Story

Lutsko’s been uploading a new song every Friday throughout October, so stay tuned for another update next week. If we’re lucky, maybe Desmond The Gremlin will show up.

UPDATE, Oct. 28th:

The last video for the month doesn’t have Desmond, but it does have Lutsko singing a country ode to “Fall Time In Tennessee” that illustrates exactly why the state’s residents should “kennel your pets for the rest of the year.”

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