Nicole Kidman's Gretchen Carlson wages a war against Fox News in new Bombshell trailer

Nicole Kidman's Gretchen Carlson wages a war against Fox News in new Bombshell trailer

Is it just a bit on the nose when Billie Eilish croons “I’m the bad guy” over John Lithgow’s grotesque Fox News founder Roger Ailes in the new Bombshell trailer? Absolutely, but if you’re looking for a more nuanced portrait of that goblin we’d recommend last year’s quite good Divide & Conquer. No, Jay Roach’s Bombshell is about the woman who helped topple the giant by exposing the culture of sexism he’d both fostered and engaged in at President Trump’s favorite news outlet.

Nicole Kidman stars as Gretchen Carlson, the first woman that went public with allegations against Ailes. “Someone has to speak up. Someone has to get mad,” she declares in this trailer, which ends with her asserting that, yes, she’s ready to go to war over it.

That, of course, brings with it it’s own threats, against Kidman’s Carlson but also other outspoken voices like Margot Robbie’s Kayla Pospisi and Charlize Theron’s Megyn Kelly, who here sees her become a headline after Trump accused her of “anger-menstruating.”

“We used a lot of source material in telling and finding the story—and also spoke to a lot of women who were part of the story,” Theron said while debuting the trailer on Ellen. “Some of them were still working at Fox, some of them really didn’t want their names out there and so, as a team, we’ve really decided to protect our sources.”

See the trailer below.

Allison Janney, Malcolm McDowell, Kate McKinnon, and Connie Britton co-star. Bombshell drops on December 20.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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