The Iron Giant, an animated adaption of Ted Hughes’ 1968 novel, follows a mysterious metal man who befriends a young boy named Hogarth. While the film may have been marketed to a younger audience, Tim McCanlies’ screenplay added several storylines and characters that seemed designed to capture the attention of adults as well. U.S. government agent Kent Mansley (voiced by Christopher McDonald), arrives in Rockwell, Maine, driving a car identifying his affiliation with the Bureau Of Unexplained Phenomena, but his actions make it reasonable to presume that agency was absorbed into the NSA at some point following the events of the film. After discovering evidence that puts him on the trail of the Iron Giant, Mansley leaps to the conclusion that an alien invasion is afoot and contacts the U.S. Army. Refusing to see any possible good in the actions of the Giant and possessed by the conviction that he’s doing the right thing, Mansley lies in his claim that the Giant has killed Hogarth and therefore must be taken down by any means necessary, even if that means using, say, a nuclear ballistic missile. After the missile is fired, however, Mansley realizes his actions have effectively doomed everyone and everything in Rockwell and, like all good government agents, attempts to avoid the consequences of his error in judgment by making a hasty retreat.