No, The Daily Show didn’t just get hacked by Russia

No, The Daily Show didn’t just get hacked by Russia

In what appears to be a bit of viral marketing/poking fun at recent allegations about Russian hacking of America’s computers, online accounts, and most cherished governmental institutions, tonight’s Daily Show broadcast was briefly interrupted by a bizarre video pointing viewers toward “The President Show” and a web address, Luckily, following the link doesn’t lead to some Deep Web organ-trading site that automatically grants Vladimir Putin the right to collect your kidneys; instead, it goes to a Russian language Twitter account that Comedy Central went on to tweet out a few minutes later, more-or-less confirming that this is some sort of viral stunt.

Заставьте ночь снова опаздывать

— Comedy Central (@ComedyCentral) March 30, 2017

At first, it seemed like this was an exclusively Daily Show-centric bit, possibly suggesting some running gag about Russian interference with Trevor Noah and his crew. But the video apparently recurred during @midnight, suggesting that this is Comedy Central’s way of announcing some new surprise show. (Not for nothing, but the account’s translated tweets are all about “making late night great again,” suggesting that this might be a campaign for T.J. Miller’s recently acquired comedy talk show The Gorburger Show, which shares the video’s lo-fi aesthetic. That might be grasping at bizarre, machine-translated straws, though.)

[Thanks to commenter frug for pointing us to the initial video.]

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