Not even the support of Gal Gadot and Ben Affleck can unleash Justice League's "Snyder Cut"

Not even the support of Gal Gadot and Ben Affleck can unleash Justice League's "Snyder Cut"
Photo: Warner Bros.

Two years on, we’re still talking about Justice League, which isn’t something we’d have predicted back when we first saw it. Ever since its release, there’s been chatter (and eventual roars) about the “Snyder Cut,” a version of the film that original director Zack Snyder allegedly made before he dropped out due to a death in the family (Joss Whedon finished the film via reshoots). Frothing fans haven’t wavered in their thirst for it—last month, a group of truthers probably bankrupted themselves by shouting it from a Times Square billboard—and celebrities haven’t stopped hinting at its existence. Kevin Smith teased its validity in August, while star Jason Momoa called the Snyder footage, which he claims to have seen, “ssssiiicccckkkkk.”

On Sunday, Aquaman found some assistance from his fellow DC superheroes. Justice League’s Gal Gadot and Ray Fisher tweeted out the relevant hashtag, as did Ben “Batfleck” Affleck, who apparently missed the memo about also sharing a brooding photo of one’s self.

As The Hollywood Reporter posits, the “choreographed” deluge of tweets could be part of a coordinated campaign to score a release for the cut, perhaps at HBO Max, an affiliate of Warner Bros. That seems even more likely when you consider that Snyder’s spent the last few days posting provocative stills from his cut on the social media site Vero. He’s also been retweeting his cast.

But, alas, THR reports that “no announcement of a release of any such cut is imminent.” That could always change, though, especially as more high-profile names lend their support to the movement. Yesterday, Watchmen creator Damon Lindelof took to Instagram with a tantalizing post. “I’m not saying I’ve seen it,” he wrote, “but if I HAD, I would unequivocally support the powers that be to #releasethesnydercut.”

This is all going to keep happening, so, please, someone—anyone—please just release the damn thing.

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