Not-So-Hidden Messages In Magazine Covers

Do you ever get the feeling that Entertainment Weekly is trying to tell you something? Not just something about American Idol, or Jared Leto's totally legitimate music career, or how awesome it is behind-the-scenes of Heroes, but something deeper, something meaner, something totally obvious but rarely said about the person on its cover?

No? Well, take a look at their current issue with a triumphant, Dreamgirls-inflated Eddie Murphy on the cover.

Notice anything? Look closer:

Well played,

Entertainment Weekly. Where else would you put a headline like "The 25 Most Shameless, Money Grubbing Movie Roles Ever" except mere centimeters away from the bright, beaming, clueless face of Norbit himself.

Nice. That juxtaposition alone is almost enough to excuse the fact that the article about the 25 most shameless, money-grubbing movie roles mysteriously doesn't include a single Eddie Murphy performance–not even the second time he played Dr. Dolittle, or the 800th time he played Donkey.

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