Noted smartass Patton Oswalt live-tweeted last night’s GOP debate

Displaying reckless disregard for their physical health and mental well being, last night millions of people tuned in to gawk at a room full of lizard people trying to out-pander each other, a spectacle also known as the Republican primary debates. The only way to survive such an ordeal with sanity intact is to get stinking drunk and make jokes on Twitter, so a not-insubstantial percentage of those millions did that as well.

One of the more notable drunk tweeters was Patton Oswalt, who’s gone on a few Twitter tears in his day. Oswalt apparently hate-watched the debate with his daughter and a rather fancy bottle of Scotch, and the result is a predictably enjoyable series of smartass tweets, presumably also best enjoyed with whiskey in hand/stomach. Some highlights are below.

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