Now Hiring (Seriously)

Hey everyone, I don't get to post job listings here too often so it's a big deal, for me at least, when I do. But we are hiring someone to run our website out of our Chicago office. It's a technical position, not an editorial position, but the ideal candidate will be both technically skilled with strong editorial instincts. (Put it this way: If there are two candidate who are equally good at web stuff and one can name five movies for which Roger Deakins served as a cinematographer and the other can't, the movie nerd has the edge.) The listing is below. So is the e-mail address for applications. I'll try to pop in to answer some questions in the comments section later.


A Web Producer is responsible for the final state of the editorial content on the A.V. Club website. Their duties include entering articles and other content into the Content Management System, cropping and uploading photos, preparing audio & video files for web distribution to our sites and to our partners, building and sending emails to subscribers, and keeping the sites maintained with up-to-date information. They should be experienced in Adobe Photoshop and have some background in layout, preferably with Adobe InDesign. Technical familiarity with web standards such as HTML, CSS, and the Unix command line are important, as is experience in audio and video web production, including podcasting. The Web Producer will also assist in the delivery and production of media and content to some A.V. Club-affiliated sites launching next quarter.

This is an entry level position at a great and quickly growing pop culture publication. It is a great career opportunity for anyone with the above technical skills, knowledge of pop culture, and an editorial eye. A background in journalism is welcome, and we will favor candidates with editorial and product initiative.

The Web Producer will work closely with the A.V. Club editorial staff and report to the Director of Web Technology.

This job is in the Chicago office of The Onion.

Resumes should be submitted to [email protected] no later than December 7, 2007

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