Now you can 3-D print your own ball droid from Star Wars: The Force Awakens

As recent news confirms, just about everybody has seen the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Aside from dividing the world into people who are enthusiastically anticipating Star Wars sequels, vehemently bitter over the prequel trilogy, or fervently ambivalent about all of it, the trailer doubles as a helpful holiday season Rorschach test. Specifically, what trailer objects are people coveting?

A sleek nouveau Storm Trooper uniform would be the perfect shield against the mundane pressures of life. Perhaps it’s the menacing Sith flamesaber with uninsurable cross guard that resonates. Others are eyeing a rectangular satellite dish to mount atop their own scale-model Millennium Falcon, as a reminder that Lando did indeed return from the Endor assault with Han’s ship mostly in one piece. Some of us might even be ignoring those lake-skimming X-Wing fighters and focusing on Oscar Issac’s sad, soulful eyes, knowing that we could give him the love and confidence he needs to take down resurgent imperial forces. And then there’s that spastic ball droid.

Thingiverse member lilykill latched onto the bouncing distant cousin of R2-D2, and asked “Why not?” Lilykill has drafted a CAD model and posted plans for people to 3D print their own ball droid. The plans are still in progress, but two followers have already posted photos of their own droid balls. With most 3D printers still running $1,000 – $3000, many of us will have to wait until next holiday season, when cheap remote control ball droids will be swarming toy store shelves, commercials, and Happy Meals. But for some lucky few, the holiday break could be spent installing rotors and speakers to bring their newly-printed companion to life.

[via UPROXX]

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