Now you can play Jeff Goldblum’s weird laugh from Jurassic Park on any instrument

Now you can play Jeff Goldblum’s weird laugh from Jurassic Park on any instrument

Jeff Goldblum has a long, storied history of being a walking meme generator. He’s watched you poop, he’s been drunk, he’s occupied Facebook, but perhaps most importantly he’s laughed (in the most weird and uncomfortable manner possible).

Now, thanks to Evan Kent’s sheet music transcription, the whole world can learn to imitate the laugh that introduced us all to Ian Malcolm, the character that ”you’ll have to get used to.” Just pull out your grand piano, grab a buddy (it’s a duet!) and you too can perfectly reproduce the musical, lilting sound of a man trying to shove every type of laugh he’s ever heard into the space of five seconds.

[via Uproxx]

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