Now you can watch The Big Lebowski with a bunch of random people on Facebook

Although The Big Lebowski is essentially already being screened all day, every day on the service through the piecemeal assembly of quotations, Facebook has chosen the Coen Brothers’ film to launch its new Social Theater application, which allows you to rent a movie directly through a Facebook fan page. And because no modern media work is complete without the ability to wrangle it into social networking somehow, watching it on Facebook will be a “communal experience,” naturally. Now your enjoyment of the movie will be enhanced by the ability to contribute “likes” and comments, while also reading the comments from your fellow viewers—comments such as quoted dialogue from the movie that appears while it’s actually being spoken aloud, which you can then “like” to show that you, too, enjoy that line of dialogue, thus tying the room that is our society together. Like that line he says in the movie!

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