Nude celebs ask adult voters to please "read and follow" the instructions on mail-in ballots

Nude celebs ask adult voters to please "read and follow" the instructions on mail-in ballots
Screenshot: RepresentUs

Are you too dumb to read and follow the instructions on your mail-in ballot? Well, a naked Mark Ruffalo is here to help.

Cynicism aside, there is a nugget of a good idea in this cringey new PSA, which addresses the issue of “naked ballots” by having some nude celebs explain that ballots in Pennsylvania need to be inside two envelopes to be properly counted—there’s been some confusion over this, apparently.

In doing so, however, the celebs come off as hilariously condescending. “Read and follow the instructions that come with your ballot,” urges a naked Chris Rock. “If they say to use a black pen, use a black pen,” says a naked Chelsea Handler. “Mail your ballot in as soon as you can,” commands a naked Josh Gad, speaking very, very slowly so as not to confuse the grade-schoolers to whom he is presumably speaking.

So, there you have it. Instead of splashing paint on your ballot, placing it in a Ziploc bag, and throwing it from a bridge, follow the directions and put it in the right envelope (or envelopes). If a naked Naomi Campbell is what you needed to get a grasp on that, go with God.

And if you’d like some voting information that doesn’t make you feel like a total moron, our sister site Lifehacker has a comprehensive guide.

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