Of Montreal announces new album, releases single “It’s Different For Girls”

Of Montreal is primarily known for making funky, psychedelic music and putting on funky, psychedelic concerts. But the not-so-secret trick to all of its funky psychedelics is that there’s usually some heavy introspection or explorations of important topics gently tucked away underneath all of the discordant noises and bright colors. That still seems to be the case with “It’s Different For Girls,” the first single from the band’s upcoming album Innocence Reaches. Not only is it about sexism and gender norms and all of the other things you’d guess it’s about from that title, but it’s also just straight-up groovy. You can hear it below:

The band has also released the cover art for Innocence Reaches, which was apparently “conceived” by Of Montreal mastermind Kevin Barnes’ brother. As you can probably tell, it’s going for some pretty specific imagery.

Innocence Reaches will be available on August 12.

[via Rolling Stone]

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