Offset pulled from car and detained by cops after driving past pro-Trump rally

Offset pulled from car and detained by cops after driving past pro-Trump rally
Offset Photo: Ser Baffo/Getty Images for BET

Rapper Offset was reportedly pulled from his car and detained by police in Beverly Hills yesterday after an attendee at a pro-Trump rally said that someone in Offset’s car had pointed a gun at them (he was driving with Marcelo Almánzar, Cardi B’s cousin). Offset wasn’t arrested or charged, but he did manage to get on Instagram Live when the cops approached his vehicle, creating a harrowing record of his experience. In the video, the officers surrounding the car (there are at least three) apparently have guns drawn and are demanding that Offset put his hands up.

In the video, Offset explains that he’s just going to keep his hands on the steering wheel while the police have their guns out, with one of the officers saying they were told that he and Almánzar “were waving guns.” Offset says who he is and suggests that people were following him and pointing him out because they’re fans, but the cops say that has “nothing to do with” why they’re there. Eventually, an officer tries to open the car door himself, which Offset says is “illegal”—reminding them that he’s streaming the interaction and threatening that he’ll “sue the shit out of” them—and then another reaches through his open window, opens the car door, and then seems to grab him by the arm and pull him out of the car. The video ends shortly after that. Again, Offset was not arrested or charged, but Almánzar was arrested and is facing charges related to carrying a loaded and concealed firearm.

[via Deadline]

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