Oh, dear: Melania Trump gets date of Pearl Harbor wrong in commemorative tweet

Melania Trump remains an enigma. Glimpses of humanity shine through whenever she’s forced to swat away her husband’s grasping paws, but then she’s out here decking the White House in dead branches and staring into whatever bottomless void she sees at the center of The Nutcracker.

You’ll find little insight in her Twitter account, which is, unlike Donald’s, clearly micro-managed by a small committee. That’s why we probably shouldn’t lay all the blame at the feet of FLOTUS for, sigh, tweeting out the wrong date in her commemoration of the attack on Pearl Harbor, during which 2,400 American servicemen died.

Rather, let this just serve as yet another indication that everyone who operates within this administration stumbles around with Vaseline in their eyes. The tweet stayed up for 25 minutes before a corrected version was posted, though it’s a wonder they even did that. Nobody would’ve been surprised had Sarah Huckabee Sanders emerged from her bog to tell everyone that, no, Pearl Harbor actually happened on November 7, 1941. (It happened on December 7 if you go by reality.)

While we’re here, let us all return to Melania’s most famous tweet, one that’s come to haunt literally everything the woman has done since saying “I do” to one of the world’s most vile humans.


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