Oh god, Kendrick Lamar and “Take On Me” work together too well and we’re all doomed

This is the way the world ends. Not with a whimper but with a banging mashup of Kendrick Lamar and ‘80s pop sensation A-Ha. These two artists that once existed on opposing ends of some divine spectrum were thrust together by Twitter user and amateur mashup artist Noah Charlick who admits he knows not what he’s done. “I’ve either made a great discovery or a terrible mistake,” he writes before unleashing this seamless blend of Kendrick’s 2012 track “Backseat Freestyle” and the Norwegian popsters singular hit, “Take On Me.” Listen at your own risk.

The entire track is available in higher quality on Charlick’s Soundcloud and… damn. It’s disturbingly good. This isn’t just a case of two songs coincidentally being at the same tempo either. There are multiple instances where the mid-chorus drum breakdown in “Take On Me” matches up perfectly with a slower repeated line from Kendrick. Even when the pace of the rap nearly doubles at the two minute mark and it sounds like things may finally fall apart, they never quite do. It’s like matching up The Wizard Of Oz with Dark Side Of The Moon, except, you know, it actually works.

Clearly, this is the work of some devil or, at the very least, definitive proof that we’re living in a simulation. Either way, it clearly spells our demise. So, enjoy this last good thing in the world before the heavens come tumbling down on our heads for enjoying dumb mashups too much.

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