Oh my heavens, we love this compilation of happy Antique Roadshow grandmas

Oh my heavens, we love this compilation of happy Antique Roadshow grandmas
Screenshot: Kerri82

With so much terrible news coming out every hour of every day, it’s important to really savor the nice things in life like, say, a compilation video of very happy old ladies learning that their stuff is worth a lot of money on Antiques Roadshow.

The clip, brought to us courtesy of YouTuber Kerri82, claims to show grandmas “flipping out” when they’re told the good news, but anyone expecting jumping and shouting should remember that these women are much too dignified for any of that sort of nonsense.

No, instead they react with restrained joy, bespectacled eyes widening in delight as they hear they now have some extra money to send in $20 installments to their grandchildren. Most of them laugh. Some of them say things like, “That’s nice!,” “What a treat!” or “Oh my heavens!” A lot of the women can’t help themselves from some really risque exclamations like, “Holy mackerel,” “Holy smokes,” or “Holy cow,” and, in our favorite variation, “Holy buckets.”

The video goes down as smooth as a stale Werther’s Original on a faintly air-conditioned summer afternoon. It comforts and soothes our worried minds as readily as a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese made with freezer-burned bread set out on a musty doily. In other words, it’s just plain nice to see some happy grandmas.

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