Okay, AMC won’t allow texting in its theaters, Jesus

As we reported yesterday, the backlash against AMC CEO Adam Aron’s idea of implementing “texting-friendly” auditoriums because these millennials can’t stop Snapchatting long enough to watch a damn movie has been intense. Intense enough that, even as the company began to walk back Aron’s statement, the chorus of angry voices grew louder, downloading their pitchfork-and-torch apps and forming an angry online mob of moviegoers who only want to see texting in a movie theater if they’re watching a movie about a haunted cell phone, god damn it.

The Alamo Drafthouse’s Tim League released a statement on the whole thing, which makes sense considering his company pioneered the concept of publicly shaming movie texters. And now AMC’s Aron has released a contrite statement of his own, swearing that there will be absolutely, all caps, NO TEXTING ALLOWED in AMC theaters “for the foreseeable future.” The snacks are still going to be expensive, though.

The full text of Aron’s statement is below.

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