Okay New York: You wanted The A.V. Club, you got The A.V. Club

When we announced Inventory reading dates around the Midwest, you big-city East Coast types shook your fists at us and said, "But we're the cultural capital of the world! Come see us!" (To be fair, people in Ann Arbor said the same thing.)

Well, your half-hearted hopes and Internet pleas have been answered, people. We're coming to Union Hall in Brooklyn on December 7 to knock the socks off your asses with a presentation/reading/hang session—and to angrily insist that you purchase multiple copies of Inventory, a.k.a. the best Christmas present ever. It's looking like me (Josh), Keith Phipps, Kyle Ryan, Nathan Rabin, Andy Battaglia, and Amelie Gillette will be your guides to reading pleasure. We hope to rope in some special guests as well. There's a flyer below, whose photo comes from this Flickr stream. We hope you don't mind, Danzig cake-photo-taker, but it's an amazing shot.

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