
Okkervil River: The Stand Ins

Okkervil River: The Stand Ins

Will Sheff has been known to balk at the term "lit-rock,"
but there's no getting around the fact that the Okkervil River frontman can be
wordy. On last year's mostly awesome arts-and-entertainment deconstruction The
Stage Names
Sheff's punk sneering and stalker crooning occasionally came off like a chat
with a brilliant, well-read, too-talkative friend: At a certain point, it
became tough to pay attention. Remarkably, though, the album's "sequel," The
Stand Ins
feels relatively uncluttered. Sheff's narratives are still generous with
details about porn stars ("Starry Stairs" finds them "slithering up rose
corridors") and bland rich kids ("you wrote your thesis on the Gospel of Thomas"),
but they're also more focused than before, sharply describing characters who
embrace the lies they find in art or in their heads for the sake of sanity.
Backing away from the eager-to-astonish, Arcade Fire-like grandeur of the last
album, the songs often opt for the swagger and twang of '70s AM radio,
confining much of the pathos to instrumental interludes that fittingly share
their name with the album title: Like a sunset, movie score, or storybook
ending, they're beautiful stand-ins for drama that the real world doesn't

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