Oldest, puffiest Hemsworth brother leaves Australia for Hollywood

Luke Hemsworth, brother of recent blockbuster stars Liam (The Hunger Games) and Chris (The Avengers), has finally made the decision to leave Australia to pursue an acting career in Hollywood. At 32, Hemsworth is the eldest of the three boys, and started acting about 10 years ago, before Chris and Liam got into the business. But until now, Hemsworth has chosen to work exclusively in the motherland for his entire career, starring in projects such as Bikie Wars: Brothers In Arms, a gritty miniseries about warring Australian motorcycle gangsters renowned for their toughness despite referring to themselves as “bikies.” Hemsworth—who looks a little like Gerard Butler if you squint and don’t look that closely—says that he hasn’t yet chosen an exact date to relocate, as he must keep in mind his wife, his three young children, and his undoubtedly crushing feelings of inadequacy to his more handsome and famous younger brothers.

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