Olive Garden Is The Perfect Place To Act Out Your Oedipal Fantasies

Olive Garden Is The Perfect Place To Act Out Your Oedipal Fantasies

The incestuous mother and son at the center of the thoroughly disturbing, based-on-a-true-story movie Savage Grace obviously had a highly dysfunctional relationship. But not only were they incestuous, they were also almost completely isolated from others. Most of the time they spent together was spent alone, behind closed doors—glumly discussing good tailors or drinking tea in that creepy silent shared solitude peculiar to couples. Such isolation must have been stifling—not to mention terribly psychologically devastating due to the whole sleeping-with-your-mom thing.

If only the mother and son from Savage Grace had lived now—things could have been so different for them! They could have been out and proud about their incredibly creepy, against-nature relationship: going out in public, tossing off casual jokes about how they "treat" themselves "on nights when dad works late," sharing inside jokes and innuendos ("Mmm…breadsticks!"), and openly flirting with each other over Chicken Crostada at The Olive Garden.

(via TV Squad)

"Maaaaaybe…" Yuck. Although kudos to Olive Garden for finding something grosser than that close-up of the shredded-cheese-covered tortilla that comes with the chicken. A "crostada" doesn't look that bad when it's adjacent to the grotesque spectacle of mother/son flirting.

Judging by that ad, Oedipal Fantasies Night is going to be the biggest thing to happen at Olive Garden since the unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks lunch.

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