"Olive, the other reindeer" and other misheard song lyrics

"Olive, the other reindeer" and other misheard song lyrics
Screenshot: Olive The Other Reindeer

Random Twitter questions now provide the same function as the lunchtime polls from Heathers: What common question are we going to toss around today to distract us from all the other horrible things filling our Twitter news feed?

Last night’s query, from The New Yorker TV critic Emily Nussbaum:

Unsurprisingly, the responses are plentiful, and not a “’scuse me while I kiss this guy” in sight:

Sometimes, the misheard lyrics don’t make any sense at all, but somehow still seem to fit the rhyme scheme.

Okay, we always thought that was Newsweek.

And sometimes, we learn, lyrics are just open to interpretation.

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