One brave Twitter feed is documenting the bad outfits of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

We reported yesterday that Hot Topic would like us all to return to the days of shiny long leather coats and appliquéd sweaters: To mark the 20th anniversary of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the retail chain has issued a commemorative Buffy fashion line, including a Sunnydale High T-shirt. But it seems that Hot Topic, and others, have faded (or blocked) memories of just how horrible the fashion on Buffy actually was. Fortunately for us all, the new Twitter account Bad Buffy Outfits is here to remind us in hilarious detail. There are so many terrors to choose from, with some valuable snarky commentary:

Bad Buffy Outfits, run by Film Journal associate editor Rebecca Pahle, has only been around for a few months, but is filling up rapidly (helped along by the atrocities of all of season four). PSA: March is Xander month, where the feed has already featured shirts highlighted by mushrooms and dinosaurs. We shudder to think what could be next, but we’ll certainly be following to find out.

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