One Instagram user expertly mashed up classic album covers with Star Wars

For those about to rock, salute you, we do. Just in time for The Force Awakens, Instagram user WhyTheLongPlayFace has remade classic album covers with Star Wars characters. While many of the covers repeat (as do the jokes—virtually every album Lando appears on is called Scoundrel), the ones that work do so brilliantly, a pitch-perfect combination of iconic images and seamless Photoshop work.

Purists will be happy to see nearly all of the characters are taken from the original trilogy, although Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron, and The Notorious BB-8 make appearances. And alongside frequent uses of Han, Leia, and Chewie are more obscure favorites like Bossk (as The Bossk on a spoof of Born To Run), and The Freewheelin’ Boba Fett. There are a handful of non-Star Wars-related covers, which tend to be less effective, although Doctor Who’s Next is pretty great.

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